Wednesday Notes 04/24/2024

Message Title: Title
Church Notes from 04/24/24		The Lord Through Pastor Michael

Pr. 3:5-9
Malachi 3:10

1 Timothy 3:15 - How to act in the house of God
God has standards. There are ways we should act. Our bodies are the house of God, and in the house of God.
The seriousness or sobriety of what is said here. We come to meet God. 
We live by what God says is truth in his word and church because that is truth.
Luke 4:31-32, 36
Mark 16:14-20
Matthew 9:27-30
We are to come to Jesus expecting him to confirm his word with signs following.
Acts 2:22
Is. 8:16-18
Expecting signs and wonders to follow you in Jesus name.

#13. 2 Sam. 6:13-16
  We need to dance before the Lord.
  Dancing before the Lord has nothing to do with coordination with music or accurarcy of hitting notes on pitch.
  David danced before the Lord when they brought the Arc back. David responded to God's presence. We are the Arc of God and his presence is always in us.
  If theres dancing in the church people dont have to dance in the club. 
  If theres worship of God in the church people don't need to worship the devil at the rock concert.
  Ps. 149:1
    Dance is a form of praise.
	1 Tim. 2:8 
  Ps. 134:1-3 	* * *
    As we sow blessing to God he will reign down blessings on us.
  Acts 1:12-14
  Acts 2:42 they continued steadfastly (While things were trying to stop them) in doctrine, bread, fellowship and prayer.
  2 Peter 1:1 We are to continue to fellowship with other members of Christ of like precious faith.
    If you don't bring the unbelievers up, they will bring you down. So give them Jesus Christ and the Bible.
	2 Cor. 6:14 - 7:1 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
	Matt. 5:14-16
	  Only if we obey God's command to come out from the unbelivers, darkness and sin will God come into us. 
	#16. Mark 16:15
	Luke ?: Go ye out and compel them to come in that my house might be filled.