Sunday Notes 12/24/2023
Message Title: Delegation and co-operatetion
Church Notes from 12-24-23 The Lord Through Pastor Michael
Haggai 1:7 Giving
Matthew 1:18 - 25 How to co-operate with the Lord and with others
- The birth of Jesus (John 1:1) The word of God says that Jesus Christ is God.
John 3:16 The birth of Jesus Christ as a miracle.
God delegated Mary to carry God himself as Jesus in her womb.
When the angel came to Mary and told her the Holy Ghost will overshadow thee (luke) she knew she
was to be the mother of God. If you trust the Lord and say be it unto me you will have dominion over
everything you face in Jesus name.
Sex outside of marriage was a sin and crime punishable by death by stoning.
Joseph was called to marry a woman (Mary) that could cost him his life and his career and everything because
she was found to be with child before marriage which appeared to be the product of whoredom.
John or 1 John 5:7 There are three that bear record in heaven, the father son and holy ghost and these 3 are one.
Ps. 104:30 He sent his spirit and they were created. The Lord sent his spirit to create the animal kingdom and us.
God was made into a single cell in a womb is an example of humility. God is humble and resist the proud.
When God the son, the word of God before he was born in the body called Jesus, heaven was missing one person of the God Head.
God paid the highest price to bring his son to earth. For the first time there was a throne that was empty in heaven for you and for me.
Because of the fathers delegation co-operatetion of Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost there is no longer a throne empty in heaven,
he is ascended to heaven where he lives to make intercession for us.
Angels also have free will, he had stones and tabrets in him.
The angel Gabriel could have said no like the devil but he did't he chose to co-operate with the Lord and communicate the message to Mary.
Abram was able to obey the delegation of the Father.
Jesus - He shall save the people from their sins.
If God who never sinned so can we forgive other who have done us wrong.
- If you want to be forgiven you have to forgive others, by God's grace.
Christ humbled himself and participated with the Fathers co-operatetion.
Go everywhere and tell people Jesus was born, he died, and he rose so you could have eternal life.
Mat. v.23 (Isaiah 7:14) Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,
and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
He gave up a spot in heaven to be in a world that hated him despised him and would crucify him so we could get saved.
God with us becomes God in us.
Mat. v.25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her fistborn son: and he called his name JESUS
It was rare if never done where people would name their childeren outside of their kinsfolks names.
When children were named not the name of their Father or relative, it was considered an insult or great disrespect.
The name of Jesus you do not see metioned in the scriptures until the son of God was born.
He called his name Jesus, instead of doubting Joseph chose to lean not unto his own understanding and trust in the Lord.
Romans 10:13 declares whosoever shall call upon Jesus Christ shall be saved.
Mark 16:17 in Christ name we shall cast out devils.
In Jesus name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
As we obey the Lord and follow suite others will obey the Lord as we give the gospel to them.
Delegation and co-operatetion producing dominion through the birth of Jesus Christ.
For us to enter into this dominion we must participate in co-operatetion with Christ.
No one is born a christian. You must repent and believe the gospel.