Sunday Notes 04/28/2024
Message Title: Just Jesus
Church Notes from 04/28/24 The Lord Through Pastor Michael
If we hold or hord our finances and everything for selfish endeavors we will get back nothing.
To recieve from God we have to sow a seed to him. Malachi 3. Duet. 28
To be blessed by the LORD we must obey him. By giving at least 10 + percent back to the LORD. He ownes 100% of everything anyways.
Matthew 17:1-8
When our life is Just Jesus our life will be Just Blessing.
We must humble ourselves before, fear and reverance Jesus.
Rev. 1:17 And he laid his hand upon me he fell as one dead.
Daniel 9 and 10 chapters.
Heb 12:14 without holiness no one shall be with God.
We no longer fear or care about the opinions of men. We only care about the opinions of God who will judge the world in righteousness.
We need the fear of the LORD to live, act, vote Holy.
John 14:21 Love God enought to do what he says if you don't want to even when the devil tempts you because you love Christ more that you love yourself.
Rev. 3:19-20 If anyman hear by voice I will sup with him and he with me.
18th Key to seeing Jesus only and expeiencing him. v.7 Jesus came and touched them.
Matthew 8:15 Jesus went to peters house and the woman was sick and she touched him and was healed.
19 steps for seeing and touching Jesus.
Acts 4:13
Acts 9:6
1 John 4:18
Mature in Love and Fear will go.
Perfect Love casts out Fear.
1 John 4 Greater is he that is in the World than any one in the World.
Mark 5:36
The devil is lying to people telling them their lives are dead, finances are dead but Jesus resurects.
Jesus will raise your life up as you only believe.
Your help comes from Jesus.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the authour and finisher of your faith.
Look only to Jesus. Fight the temptation to look to anyone else.
Look the The Creator, not man who is the creation.
Ps. 116:8
2nd Chronicles
King Johasophat were facing the amoinites and they were facing a great host and their eyes were on the Lord.
As they trusted the LORD they were made free.
As you look to Jesus you won't sink. Keep your eyes on the one who will keep you up in Jesus name.
v8. They saw only Jesus.
See only Jesus.
Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.
Elishas mind
If it wasnt for Jesus I wouldn't even acknoledge your existence in Jesus name.
Heb. 12:2 Look to JESUS alone.
Get Christ in your MIND.
Numbers 21:8
when the people looked to the brazen serpent staff lived.
When you look to Jesus you will live.
Hebrews 12:3 - 4
After you look to Jesus, Consider him.
Joshua 1:8 Meditate on the Word of God.
Consider Jesus, not how people treated you, or biden or your past.
Luke 10:39-42
Mary sat at Jesus feet and heard his word, Martha come to JEsus and he said you are careful about manythings.
Mary sat at Jesus feet and heard his word.
How to turn the keys to see Jesus only.
John 4:5 they had a wedding with no wine. JEsus gave istruction for servants to go to fill the bottles with water
They were told to DO whatever JESUS says.
Love people back when they hate you.
Isa. 6:1 Let all idols die. Then Christ will come alive to his full power.
Luke 14 unless you forsake all that you have you cannot be my disiple.
Let the drugs, lust, fear die today.
Acts 9:
Pray continually. Pray without ceasing. Pray that you enter not into temptation.
Pray all the time.
Acts 10:34
Saul prayed and Christ met him. He was anointed and received his sight and took the world for Jesus.
As you see Jesus you will see how dark everything else is and turn your world upside down for Jesus.
Rev. 1: Be in the Spirit everyday
Gal. 5:16 walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.
Walk in love, joy, peace, gentleness, temperance, self control, meekness and you will see Jesus in Jesus name.
Be in the Spirit on the Lords day. Prepare early for church.
Ps. 63 Early will I seek thee. To see thy power and thy glory. Theres power and glory in the Sanctuary of the Church.
If we love not our brother who we have seen, how can we say we really love God.
Matthew 22:35-40 Loving God and our neighbor as ourself is the whole law.
What we do to other we do to him.
1 John 4:8, 4:16
Love God by loving one another. Especially when people treat you wrong.