Sunday Notes 01/22/2024

Message Title: It is God's will to grown and increase us in every area
Church Notes from 01/22/24		The Lord Through Pastor Michael
It is God's will to grown and increase us biblically in every area of our lives 

Ps. 115:12-14
The LORDS desire to bless and increase us is based on his mindfullness of us.
The LORD is a God of increase for those who love him and keep his commandments.
The LORD is looking to see where you are faithful, so he can increase you more and more for his Glory in your life.

1. desire the sincere milk of the Word.
	There must be a heart and a desire for God.
2. Jude 20 Pray in the Holy Ghost or Unknown Tongues.
	The LORD will grow you when you pray this way. In the Holy Ghost / Tongues.
3. Stay planted in the House of the LORD.

Eph. 4:7, 11-16
4. We must be biblically perfected or grown in Christ by a biblical pastor or teacher.

Eph. 4:11 lists the gifts the LORD gives to grow people.
v.12 tells us "Perfecting" or maturing / growing

In this day and age, Only 22% of people are faithful to be planted in a biblical church.

Independance is good under Christ and his Word.
Do things God's way, else you could fall back into sin.
1 Cor. 4:14 - 16
Biblical preachers beget biblical christians.
Jer. 3
Have a new commitment to Christs church this new year.
	Dress for church
	Show up on time. 9:30
Do everything God's way or he wont help you. 
John 21:15-17

Only a biblical pastor can help you grow the right way
Pr. 14:4 Where no oxen are the crib is clean, bu theres great increase in the strength of the OX.
It is saying where you have a strong preacher you will have strength in your life.
Most people cant stand correction because they were raised without the Bible in weak homes or schools.
If you are looking to build muscle. Try building muscle on a diet of ice cream, cookies
Or if you go through some pain you will come out with strength.
1 Cor. 9:7-11
John 6:
It is a hard saying, who can bear it. The ones who did not take the hard saying went away. The ones who took
the hard saying were able to grow.

2 Peter 3:17-18 be consistant in Christ and don't fall away with the error of the wicked.
Eph. 2:8
Eph. 3:10 Ex. 3:13 

1 John 2:3 We know God if we keep his commandments.
It all comes down to what we obey. We know Christ as much as we Obey his Word.
We know him based on our obediance to his Word.
Malachi 3:8-12
Keys to financial increase v.6 bring the tithes and offerings to the LORDS store house, his church.
The ONLY way you and I can financialy increase, is by 
	1st giving the 10% we owe him. He cannot bless a thief which is sin. 
		Those who do not give 10% are thieves.
	The LORD is not a wellfare God, or a socialistic Government. God is an agriculturalist, You only reap what you sow.
	He can't change his Laws to suite people who don't obey it. 
	The good news is when we choose to trust the LORD and do what he says, he will open this windows of heaven and pour
	out a blessing that we will not have room to receive. It is a matter of TRUST, not luck. Luck doesn't exist.
	It is a matter of Love, and Trust for all of us.
	Ecclesiastes 7:1-6 says sow your seed (not sure if right verse)
	When market goes down, that is the time to BUY
	When market goes up, that is the time to SELL.
	You have to sow in Faith, Joy and Belief 
		Put seed in the ground and watch it grow. This is the LORDs system and he wont change it for anyone
		pr. 3:8
		Dt. 8:18 He gives you power to get wealth. That power is still under his system of seed time and harvest.
		He will multiply what you put in his hands. Give abundantly and you will get back abundantly. 
		Gen. 14:14-20 Abraham received all the spoils for winning the war of the kings in the slime pits.
		Abraham knew everything he had was from the LORD so he knew he had to give 10%. 
		When we give to the LORD he will also prosper us. It takes his spiritual Power and the Finances have to be inline with it.
	Malachi 4:1-2
7. Fearing the name of the LORD will enable us to increase in every area of our Lives.
	Obadiah a servant of Ahab in 1 Kings 18, he was safe when Jezebell was coming to kill them.
8. 1 Thess. 3 	We must have love towards christians and all people in Jesus name.

John 3:16 God loved those who even hated him.
9. Eph. 4:28 Labour. We must labour to increase. We must Work.
	John 5:17 My Father worketh and I worketh.
	Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might. Work and do not rely on free systems so you do not become lazy.
10. Give to others what you desire to have them give to you.
	Pr. 3:11
Jesus in HEB.2:9-10 he gave his life of the cross that he might being many sons and daughters in his kingdom.
11. Ezk. 36.37 Enquire of the LORD to increase his church at SFC.
The greatest method in human history is Church Growth has been the greatest means of kingdom growth.
	When a church grows and people are born again, they are trained up to be soul winners when they stay in the church.
	Fast and pray to bring people IN to the church so they can be DISCIPLES and brought to JESUS. Example in Book of ACTS.

Growth and Increase in Christ is necessary, there is a way it must be done, by the Book. Love through obediance.
	Choose to do what you learned from the Bible, or Not. IF you don't take notes you wont review it, if you dont
	humble your heart you wont do it. This is what God's Word says, not the Pastor. 
	Ask for pray for help to get to church at 9:30am on time. Also to dress for church with a suite or whatever is acceptable.
	In agriculture, it takes time for germination to take place. It's rare that the fruit is ready for harvest at the same
	time the seed is sown into the grown.