Sunday Notes 01/07/2024
Message Title: God's will to Grow and Increase us Biblically
Church Notes from 01-07-24 The Lord Through Pastor Michael
Minister Brent said he gave 25x more to the Lord (than what he normaly gives)
at the end of the year and he saw that there was 250x more in his bank account.
Zoom Call: 7501387742 Prayer Call
Passcode: 2AuJur
Luke 6:38 Give and it shall be given unto you.
- Give to God.
- The Satanists Hoard, the Christians Give.
It's important to be givers to God at his church. It all belongs to God anyway.
People stop giving at the rest of the year when Christmas time is over.
We have to keep giving to the Lord.
Title of Message: It is God's will to Grow and Increase us Biblically in every area of our lives.
Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end shall greatly increase.
It is important for us to have a proper biblical mental foundation.
Jer. 29:11-14
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us.
Building a foundation on which we can build upward in Christ.
Jeremiah 31:1-3
Isreals people left God to serve Idols through sin and Nebeuchanezer. God's will was for them to repent and
be taken back from the flesh pots of sin in.
John 3:16
The LORD says he will restore your joy and life.
All that the enemy has stollen, the Lord will give back 7x in Jesus name.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise
Acts 17:30+31 Acts commands all men everywhere to repent. Men and women.
- All sin separates from God and leads to hell.
God's biblical will for you is to repent so that you will have life more abundantly
instead of damnation.
Repentance meants to reconsider and think differently about sin and God, and to change your mind, and action.
Saul of tarshish is a good example. He persecuted Christians and then left that life to preach Obediance to Christ.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
God's will is for us to be saved. It can only be through Jesus Christ.
John 14:6 Jesus is the only way.
We must leave all to follow Christ. Luke 14:26, 27
Mat. 21
1 Thes 4:1-5
His will for us is that our lives will be Sanctified Pure and Holy in his sight.
Sanctification means moral blamelessness set apart and to be used by the Lord.
- Where you choose to separate your life to be used only by Jesus.
We are to keep our bodies to Glorify God. God wants us to Glorify him in our bodys and not fornicate.
Mary Magdaline was a prostitute but when she met Jesus and he saved her from bondage, she followed him
and lived a holy life.
Eph. 5:15
1. Repentance
2. Salvation
3. Sanctification
5. (Hebrews 6:1)
Eph. 5:18 We are to be filled with the Spirit that is the Holy Ghost.
Contrasts being filled with the Spirit and not Drunk with Wine. When you drink
you are given over to other spirits or devils.
Acts 2 3000 souls got saved because those men were filled with God and his Spirit the Holy Ghost.
In order to build we must have a proper foundation laid in order to sustain the high building upward.
Heb. 6
- Dead works means sin.
- Faith toward God.
When we are baptized we are participating in the death and resurection of Jesus Christ. We go down in the water to show that
the old us is dead. The old sinful life is dead and we go up to live a new life in Christ.
Acts 8: Philip was told to go on the road to Ghaza he saw a chariot and God told him to join himself to it. He hear someone reading from Isaiah.
The enunic asked what does a prohpet speak of himself or another man? He asked if he understood? The enuch chose to repent and be baptized and
he was changed and the former confusion he had about scripture was washed away and he rose up certain that Jesus died and rose to save his soul.
Acts 10:36-38
Sickness is from the Devil. It's an attack from Satan to try and keep us from serving God to stop us and others from Serving God
and getting healed. Heb 2:14-15 Christ destroyed all the oppression of the Devil. Christ died and rose to set us free.
The Lord wants to grow
Divine healing and Divine health in your life. 3 John 2
Christ wants us to live a life of freedom, deliverance.
2 Cor. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty or freedom.
Is. 32:15-18
- The Lords will for us is that we have peacefull relationships.
- In mariage the wife submits herself to the husband and the husband submits himself to God.
- In family the Lord wills that the children obey their parents in all things. And it will produce a peaceable relationship in family.
- In the Church we are to submit ourselved to the Lord and the Lords anointed to produce a peacefull Holy Ghost Church.
Acts 1:14-15
Acts 2:1 after 10 days they were still in one accord.
3rd John 2
The Lord wants us to prosper in weath as well. Deut. 8:18
* Zechariah 1:17 Through prosperity the Lord can use finances to spread the Gospel of Christ to the World.
Dont give into the Devils Wordly Distrations.
If the finances are there, the Gospel goes out and more souls are saved for God's Glory.
2 Thessalonians 3:10-13
11th foundational stone is we must work so the Lord can increase our lives.
- Stubbornness of will today some people don't want to work.
- The Lord wants us to work and trust him, not to trust some Satanic ungodly governemnt system that wants to control your life.
When you stop working you start declining. When you work you have something to set your mind upon. You can do all things thorugh Christ
who strengthens you.
When people don't work, they get to be busy bodies, always talking to other people gossiping and talking about others when they are not even working.
Motivation for Christians 2 Thes. 3:10 We don't see too many skeletons on the street, so people are relying on Satan's system Through
government to feed them.
Joshua 1:5-8
- You will have good success when you do everything the Bible says.
12th Foundational stone: In Biblical success
- Contrary to the World and its "Gurus". Success is by OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD.
- Living it, Doing it, Knowing it, Giving it, Speaking it
If you live by the Word of God you will have Good Success. The Lord wants us Christians to be Above the World. The head not the tail.
13th Foundational stone: Being planted or rooted in a Biblical Church
Ps. 92:8-15
1 Cor. 12 The Church is the proper Head
The Lord said:
Upon this Rock I will build my church.
Church hopping is not Biblical. In the Book of acts they stayed where they got saved, and grew up there until the Lord moved them somewhere else.
If you are in a Biblical Church the only way to leave is to die, or if you are sent out as a missionary.
Benefits that come from being planted at a Biblical Church:
- Ps.92:9 the enemies will perish. Including the devil
- Ps.92:10 You will be anointed (You will pray for the sick and they are healed, You will live Holy and win souls, cast out devils)
- Ps.92:12 You will flourish in you finances, spirit, soul everywhere. It will happen if you really lock in plug in and are submitted. (dont give place to the devil Eph. 4:27)
- Ps.92:12 He will grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. You will GROW. Learn about the Father, Jesus the Holy Ghost. Memorize Scriptures.
- When you get in Gods environment and out of the Devils, These benefits will come.
Foundational Stones
1. Repentance. (Forsake Sin)
2. Put Faith in Christ and be Saved. (Jesus is the Only way truth and life) Follow and obey him by the Bible (John 14:6)
3. Sanctified live a Holy Life. (Love not the World 1 John 2:15-17)
4. Be filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tounges
5. Be water baptized. (Symbolizes being born again, dead to sin and alive to God and his commands. Without which we cannot be a citizen of heaven.)
6. We need healing in our lives.
7. Be delivered of all the powers of the Devil.
8. Have peacefull relationships with people as long as it's in agreement with Christ and the Bible.
9. Prosperity through Work in Biblical Labour. (Keeping your mind from being idle and doing foolish things)
10. Success (Joshua 1:5-8) Everything we do has to be based on the foundational stones of the Bible and we will have good success as a result.
11. Be planted in the House of the Lord. Not uprooted. When an offence comes it's from the Devil. (Anger, Fear)